Use "take liberties|take liberty" in a sentence

1. Don't take liberties with a stranger.

2. They all take great liberties with history, thus Belying …

3. Mary would not let any Boy take liBerties with her.

4. Mary could not let any boy take liberties with her.

5. He likes to take liberties with the interpretation of the law.

6. You must be careful not to take liberties with old people.

7. I shall take the liberty of returning your fee.

8. He is given to flirting and likes to take liberties with women.

9. The organisation Liberty has expressed concern that such widespread surveillance could infringe personal liberties.

10. This liberty I shall always take, and you shall have the same privilege.

11. Liberty students take part in the ongoing Archeological survey at the Bedford Alum Springs Hotel

12. Might I take the liberty of reminding Sir that Sir's favourite programme's on the air soon?

13. Perhaps also greater liberty of thought and speech caused irreligion to take a more Avowed and visible form

14. Translators who produce what are frequently referred to as paraphrase Bibles, or free translations, take liberties with the text as presented in the original languages.

15. Two of its major intellectual figures have now written what I take the liberty of calling Apostasies from their previous calling.

16. Take this money, take your daughter away.

17. Take the cellular out and take pictures...

18. I'll take a risk take a chance.

19. Take the cellular out and take pictures

20. Take its fruits, take the alligator pears.

21. Just take things lightly, and take some risks.


23. Take them.

24. Take it

25. Take him.

26. Take these.

27. Take this.

28. Take care.

29. Take breaks.

30. Take responsibility.

31. Take cover!

32. Take him!

33. Just take care that others don't take advantage of it.

34. This is a very particular take on learning: the Autodidact’s take

35. Take an Active part take an Active part participar activamente → part

36. And if the Krauts take Leige, they take the ammo dump.

37. 14 The hijack take place just after the plane take off.

38. Mothers take care of the children, take care of the home.

39. It may take some time for this designation to take effect.

40. Take the stairs.

41. Take the wheel!

42. Take off, Marv!

43. Let's take meritocracy.

44. Take care, kid.

45. Take this game.

46. I'll take one.

47. Take Hua's hand.

48. ▪ Take breaks.

49. Take the bottle.

50. Take care, skinny!

51. Take care, me.

52. Boy, take it!

53. Take a bow.

54. Take this axe.

55. Take pic Picture!

56. Take him away.

57. Don't take promises.

58. Take her, now!

59. I'll take care of the buttons, you take care of the check.

60. Take your money.

61. Take the shot.

62. Take the oars!

63. Take the turtledoves.

64. Take the ramp.

65. Take a knee.

66. Take the kid!

67. Here, take it.

68. Take that back.

69. Take this body.

70. Take care, boys.

71. The wind was biting, and sleet blew into our faces and stung our eyes during take after take after take.

72. That'II take weeks.

73. Take it easy!

74. Take the gun.

75. Take a breath.

76. Take them away.

77. Take that one

78. Take them down.

79. Take your sketchbook.

80. Take a nap.